Table Name
information about ABC Classes. Each row in this table defines an ABC Class.
An ABC Class is
a category under which items with similar metrics are put together.
The Compile ABC Analysis form allows the user to specify the criterion to be
used for defining such metrics. A given ABC Class can be used in more than
one ABC Group, but not more than once in a given group.
stores information about each item within an ABC compile. Each row includes an
item's sequence number relative to other items within the given compile,
based on the compile criteria defined in MTL_ABC_COMPILE_HEADERS. Each row
also contains an item's compile quantity, compile value, cumulative quantity,
and cumulative value. Oracle Inventory uses this information to provide an
ordered sequence of items, to which the user can then assign an ABC Class.
is the code combinations table for item categories. Items are grouped into
categories within the context of a category set to provide flexible grouping
The item category is a key flexfield with a flex code of MCAT. The flexfield structure identifier is also stored in this table to support the ability to define more than one flexfield structure (multi-flex). Item categories now support multilingual category description. MLS is implemented with a pair of tables: MTL_CATEGORIES_B and MTL_CATEGORIES_TL. MTL_CATEGORIES_TL table holds translated Description for Categories. |
contains the entity definition for category sets. A category set is a
categorization scheme for a group of items. Items may be assigned to
different categories in different category sets to represent the
different groupings of items used for different purposes.
This table is
used to store serial numbers associated to a cycle count entry involving a
serialized item. This table is used only when the user has selected the
serial control option "Count: Multiple Per Request" in the
corresponding cycle count header.
stores all the subinventories that are to be considered for cycle counting
when the scope of the cycle count is at subinventory level. The
table is not used if the cycle count is at organization level.
Oracle Inventory uses this information in the automatic scheduling feature of cycle counting and for validation purpose when schedule requests are manually entered. |
is used to assign cross-references to items. The cross reference type
code identifies the cross-referencing identification system being used. The
cross-reference identifies the specific relationship between the item and the
other identification system. This can include references to an old item
identification scheme, to supplier item identification, etc. Each inventory
item can be assigned any number of cross-references for any number of cross-
reference types. |
is used to define cross-reference types. The cross reference type provides
context information for cross-referencing from an item to some other
identification system that is relevant. This can include references to an old
item identification scheme, to supplier item identifications, etc. Each
inventory item can be assigned cross-references using any number of
cross-reference types. |
stores customer item information for a specific customer. Each record can be
defined at one of the following
levels: Customer, Address Category, and Address. The customer item definition is organization independent. |
stores the identifier of the category set that acts as the default for a
particular functional area. This information is used to determine the
mandatory category sets for an item. It is also used to provide a default
category set for forms and reports that require a category set field value or
. The category set for a given functional area is uaranteed to have a category assignment for each item defined for use by the functional area. For example, the category set for the Inventory functional area is mandatory (and defaults) for all items defined as Inventory items. This ensures that for a given functional area, there will be a category set that contains all of the items for that functional area. |
This table
stores demand and reservation information used in Available To Promise,
Planning and other Manufacturing functions. There are three major row types
stored in the table: Summary Demand rows,
Open Demand Rows, and Reservation Rows. |
stores the descriptive element definitions for an item catalog group.
Descriptive elements are defining properties used to describe in the catalog
table stores information on item attributes. Each row in the table
corresponds to an attribute. The table stores the attribute name, the
corresponding user-friendly name seen by the
users, and the kind of validation enforced on the attribute. |
is the code combinations table for item catalog groups.
An item catalog group consists of items that can be described by the same set of descriptive elements or item properties. When an item is associated with an item catalog group, the item inherits the descriptive elements for that group which then behave like additional item attributes. The user can specify values for the descriptive elements and can use that information to search for items using the Item Search window. |
stores inventory item assignments to categories within a category set. For
each category assignment, this table stores the item, the category set, and
the category. Items always may be assigned to multiple category sets.
However, depending on the Multiple Assignments Allowed attribute value in a
given category set definition, an item can be assigned to either many or only
one category in that category set.
is the definition table for stock locators. The associated attributes
describe which subinventory this locator belongs to, what the locator
physical capacity is, etc..
The locator is a key flexfield. The Flexfield Code is MTLL. |
contains the optional default locators for shipping and receivingpurposes.
identify the exact locator/subinventory which one wishes to have as default. The DEFAULT_TYPE indicates whether it is the default shipping or receiving subinventory/locator. Also see MTL_ITEM_SUB_DEFAULTS. |
stores revision levels for an inventory item. When an item is
defined a starting revision record is written out to this table, so every
item will at least have one starting revision.
The presence of an engineering change notice code in this table indicates that the engineering system issued the revision through the implementation process. Along with the engineering change order, an implementation date and initiation date will be stored. |
is the definition table for material status codes. Status code is a required
item attribute. It indicates the status of an item, i.e., Active, Pending,
The status optionally controls several 'function controlling' item attributes (status attributes) and can be used to disable the item from being used by the various application products. The values of the individual status attributes associated with an item status are stored in MTL_STATUS_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES. |
contains the list of optional default shipping and receiving subinventories
for items in an organization. This information is used by Oracle Order
Management, Oracle Shipping Execution, and Oracle Purchasing respectively.
DEFAULT_TYPE indicates whether the subinventory is meant for default shipping
or receiving.
maintains a listing of subinventories assigned to an inventory or engineering
These subinventories make up the list of valid subinventories when transacting this specific item and the user has specified (in the master window) that the item must use subinventories restricted to a pre-defined list. |
is the definition table for item templates. It contains the user-defined name
(TEMPLATE_NAME) and description (DESCRIPTION).
You can use a template to set certain item attributes. When you apply a template to an item, the enabled item attributes are propagated to the item. You may apply several different templates to an item to achieve a layering of attributes. |
stores the attributes and attribute values for item templates. When a
template is created, a row is inserted for each available item attribute. The
user can then specify values for and enable each template attribute for later
use. When the template is applied to an item, the enabled attribute values
are propagated to the item.
stores the definition and expiration date of all lot numbers in inventory.
Since the primary key consists of LOT_NUMBER, ORGANIZATION_ID, and INVENTORY_ITEM_ID, a lot number could exist in more than one organization or for different items. |
is the base table for the inventory statuses. It contains all the attributes
which are not translated and don't vary by language. The defined status can
be assigned to Subinventory, locator, lot and serial to restrict certain
transaction types.
stores a record of every material transaction or cost update performed in
This table
stores all of the move order headers. The headers contain all information
which pertains to entire move orders, including the transaction type of the
move order, the move order type, the move order status, and the request
number of the move order.
The table
MTL_TXN_REQUEST_LINES stores all of the move order lines. The lines are
requests to move some quantity of an item from a source location to a
destination location or account. Each move order line must be tied to a
specific move order header.
When a line is detailed or pick released, the quantity detailed is updated appropriately and transaction lines are created in MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP. When the transaction lines are transacted, the quantity delivered is updated. |
It stores
quantity on hand information by control level and location.
maintains a set of default options like general ledger accounts; locator,
lot, and serial controls; inter-organization options; costing method; etc.
for each organization defined in Oracle Inventory.
contains certain user-defined options for a physical inventory, including the
approvals required, subinventory scope (all or a subset specified in
tolerances, and whether tags may be created in the Physical Inventory Counts window or whether they must be pre-generated. |
specifies which subinventories are involved in a physical inventory when the
physical inventory does not include all subinventories. One row per
subinventory per physical
inventory. |
This table
stores reservation information. Each record is a reservation that ties an
item/organization combination with a demand source and a supply source.
Demand source information comprises demand source type (Sales Order, Account,
Account Alias, Inventory), demand source header, demand source line and
demand source name. Supply source information comprises supply source type
(Inventory, WIP jobs), supply source header, supply source line, supply
source name and inventory controls (revision, lot, subinventory, locator).
stores Inventory's local definition of sales orders.
is the definition table for the subinventory. A subinventory is a section of
inventory, i.e., raw material, finished goods, etc. Subinventories are
assigned to items (in a many to one relationship), indicating a list of valid
places where this item will physically exist in inventory.
Other attributes include general ledger accounts, demand picking order, locator type, availability type, and reservable type. |
is the definition table for the subinventory. A subinventory is a section of
inventory, i.e., raw material, finished goods, etc. Subinventories are
assigned to items (in a many to one relationship), indicating a list of valid
places where this item will physically exist in inventory.
Other attributes include general ledger accounts, demand picking order, locator type, availability type, and reservable type. You can also specify whether this subinventory is an expense or asset subinventory (ASSET_INVENTORY), or whether quantities are tracked (QUANTITY_TRACKED). |
stores the definition and current status of all serial numbers in Oracle
Inventory. These serial numbers are also used in other areas of Oracle
A serial number can have one of four statuses: - Defined but not used - Resides in stores - Issued out of stores - Resides in intransit |
is the definition table for items. This table holds the definitions for
inventory items, engineering items, and purchasing items. You can specify
item-related information in fields such as:
Bill of Material, Costing, Purchasing, Receiving, Inventory, Physical attributes, General Planning, MPS/MRP Planning, Lead times, Work in Process, Order Management, and Invoicing. You can set up the item with multiple segments, since it is implemented as a flexfield. Use the standard 'System Items' flexfield that is shipped with the product to configure your item flexfield. The flexfield code is MSTK. The primary key for an item is the INVENTORY_ITEM_ID and ORGANIZATION_ID. Therefore, the same item can be defined in more than one organization. |
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