Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Oracle Apps Flexfields:

Oracle Flexfields:
Flexfields are most important parts of Oracle Applications because flexfields are so generic in nature and can be used to suit any industry or organization. A flexfield as the name suggests, is a flexible data field that organization can customize to business needs without programming.
A flexfield is a field made up of sub–fields, or segments.

Flexfields Features:
1. Customize the oracle applications to conform to current business practice for accounting codes, product codes, and other codes.
2. Customize the applications to capture data that would not otherwise be tracked by application.
3. Have "intelligent fields" that are fields comprised of one or more segments, where each segment has both a value and a meaning.
4. Rely upon the application to validate the values and the combination of values that is entered in intelligent fields.
5. Have the structure of an intelligent field change depending on data in the form or application data.
6. Customize data fields to meet the business needs without programming.
7. Query intelligent fields for very specific information.

Types of Oracle Apps Flexfields:
1. Key Flexfield
2. Descriptive Flexfield.

Key Flexfield (KFF):
Key flexfield is a field that can be customized to enter multi–segment values such as part numbers, account numbers and so on.

Executing the below query provides all the key flexfields available in the Oracle Apps.
select faa.APPLICATION_NAME "Application Name", fif.id_flex_name "Flexfield Name", faa.description "Application Description"
order by faa.APPLICATION_NAME;

Descriptive Flexfield (DFF):
Descriptive flexfield is a field that can be customized to enter additional information for which Oracle Applications product has not already provided a field.

Executing the below query provides all the descriptive flexfields available in the Oracle Apps.
select faa.APPLICATION_NAME "Application Name", fdf.DESCRIPTIVE_FLEXFIELD_NAME "Flexfield Name", faa.description "Application Description"
from fnd_descriptive_flexs_vl fdf, FND_APPLICATION_ALL_VIEW faa
order by faa.APPLICATION_NAME;


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